Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Hello garden lovers,

I'm sorry I've been so long absent (approximately one year). My garden energy waxes and wanes, and I'm now going through a garden reawakening! Our raspberry bush has multiplied and is taking over the garden, our blueberry is competing for sun underneath the raspberry's thorny limbs (but it's a pathetic sight), and our tree peony is the crowning glory of the yard. Here's a pic of the peony:

And I have the best horticultural blessings in this city. Last year I inadvertently trash-picked a ficus lyrata (fiddle leaf fig). And this Saturday I found a topiary laying on its side on the sidewalk! Here it is all nestled into its italian-looking pot:

I have a hunch this is going to be a fruitful summer of gardening. I'll keep you posted!